Why Are Three Strikes Called a Turkey in Bowling

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The term ‘turkey’ in bowling has intrigued enthusiasts for decades, yet its origin remains shrouded in mystery. Among the myriad of bowling vernacular, ‘turkey’ stands out as a curious and somewhat enigmatic designation for three consecutive strikes.

While the term itself may seem arbitrary, its significance within the sport’s culture and history is surprisingly profound. As we delve into the origins and implications of this peculiar moniker, a fascinating narrative unfolds, shedding light on the intricacies of bowling terminology and the unique allure of achieving a ‘turkey.’

Key Takeaways

  • The term ‘turkey’ in bowling originated from the practice of awarding live turkeys for three consecutive strikes in early 1900s bowling tournaments.
  • The term ‘turkey’ reflects the challenging nature of achieving three strikes in a row and has become an integral part of bowling terminology.
  • There are common misconceptions about the ‘turkey’ in bowling, including its lack of historical significance and the assumption that it is a common occurrence in professional bowling.
  • The ‘turkey’ in bowling has had a cultural impact beyond its origins, shaping the language and traditions of the sport and symbolizing a significant achievement.

The Origin of the Term ‘Turkey

How did the term ‘turkey’ become associated with scoring three consecutive strikes in the sport of bowling?

The origin of the term ‘turkey’ in bowling dates back to the early 1900s when bowling tournaments awarded live turkeys as prizes for achieving the feat of three consecutive strikes. This practice led to the term ‘turkey’ becoming ingrained in bowling terminology as a term to describe three strikes in a row.

The tradition of giving away turkeys for three strikes gained widespread popularity, leading to the term ‘turkey’ becoming a staple in bowling lingo. Over time, the term ‘turkey’ has become synonymous with scoring three consecutive strikes, cementing its place as a recognized accomplishment in the sport of bowling alongside other terms such as ‘hambone’ for four consecutive strikes.

Historical Significance of the ‘Turkey

The historical significance of the term ‘Turkey’ in bowling extends beyond its origin and into its cultural impact. Understanding the historical context of how the term came about sheds light on the evolution of the sport and its connection to societal practices.

Furthermore, the cultural impact of the ‘Turkey’ as a significant achievement in bowling highlights the enduring legacy of this term in the sport.

Origin of Term

Associated with the tradition of early bowling tournaments where food items like turkeys were often awarded as prizes, the term ‘turkey’ in bowling holds historical significance as it became synonymous with achieving three consecutive strikes.

The term used for three strikes in bowling is called a ‘turkey,’ and it originated from the practice of awarding actual turkeys to winners of bowling competitions in the past.

Achieving three strikes in a row was a remarkable feat due to the challenging conditions of the lanes and pins.

Although the tradition of awarding turkeys as prizes has faded, the term ‘turkey’ has persisted in bowling lingo.

It reflects the historical significance of turkeys in European and North American culture, intertwined with the origins of the term ‘turkey’ in bowling.

Cultural Impact

Reflecting on its historical significance, the cultural impact of the ‘turkey’ in bowling extends far beyond its origins as a prize in early tournaments, encompassing its enduring influence on the sport’s vernacular and traditions. The term ‘turkey’ has become ingrained in bowling vernacular, symbolizing the accomplishment of three consecutive strikes and contributing to a sense of achievement and recognition within the bowling community. This cultural impact is evident in the evolution of additional terms for multi-strike accomplishments, such as ‘hambone,’ ‘wild turkey,’ and ‘ham-turkey dinner,’ which further highlight the enduring influence of the ‘turkey’ on bowling lingo and traditions. Moreover, the association of the ‘turkey’ with holiday tournaments in the United States adds a festive connotation to the term, reinforcing its cultural resonance within the sport.

Cultural Impact of the ‘Turkey’ in Bowling
Symbolizes achievement and recognition within the bowling community
Evolved additional terms for multi-strike accomplishments
Associated with holiday tournaments, adding a festive connotation

This cultural impact has also influenced popular culture, with sports commentators like Rob using the term ‘turkey’ to describe three strikes, further solidifying its place in the cultural lexicon of bowling.

Bowling Terminology and the ‘Turkey

Discussing the terminology and significance of the ‘Turkey’ in bowling involves exploring its origin, historical context, and common misconceptions.

Understanding the points related to this term provides valuable insight into the sport’s traditions, scoring system, and the skill required to achieve this accomplishment.

Origin of Term

The term ‘turkey’ in bowling terminology originated from the practice of awarding bowlers who achieved three consecutive strikes in a row with a prize of a turkey during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The difficulty of achieving three strikes in a row was heightened by the challenging bowling conditions of the time.

Other terms for consecutive strikes include ‘hambone’ for four consecutive strikes, ‘wild turkey’ for six consecutive strikes, and ‘golden turkey’ for nine consecutive strikes.

The tradition of awarding turkeys as prizes in bowling tournaments added an element of excitement and motivation for bowlers to aim for three strikes, contributing to the enduring popularity of the term ‘turkey’ in the game of bowling.

Historical Significance

The historical significance of the term ‘Turkey’ in bowling is underscored by its origins as a prize awarded for achieving three consecutive strikes, reflecting the challenging nature of this accomplishment during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

The term called a turkey became recognizable in bowling due to its association with achieving three strikes in a row, a feat that was highly esteemed and difficult to accomplish in historical bowling.

The concept of a turkey in bowling has evolved over time, and it remains an integral part of the sport’s terminology.

This historical significance is deeply rooted in the sport’s traditions and has become synonymous with achieving a perfect game, adding to the allure and prestige of bowling a turkey.

Common Misconceptions

Misconceptions surrounding the terminology of ‘Turkey’ in bowling often stem from a lack of awareness of its historical origins and its significance within the sport. It’s important to debunk these misconceptions to foster a better understanding of the sport.

  • Belief that the term ‘turkey’ has no historical significance in bowling.
  • Misconception that achieving a ‘turkey’ is a common occurrence in professional bowling.
  • Incorrect assumption that the term ‘turkey’ only applies to three consecutive strikes in a specific order.

Understanding the historical context and significance of the term ‘turkey’ in bowling is essential in appreciating its impact on the sport and the skill required to achieve this feat. It adds an element of tradition and challenge to the game, making it more than just a sequence of strikes.

The Cultural Impact of the ‘Turkey’ in Bowling

bowling s turkey influence

The cultural impact of the term ‘turkey’ in bowling has extended beyond its origins as a prize for three consecutive strikes, shaping the language and traditions of the sport. The term ‘turkey’ has become ingrained in the bowling lexicon, signifying a significant achievement in the game. This cultural impact is evident in the creative names given to multi-strike accomplishments, such as ‘hambone,’ ‘brat,’ and ‘wild turkey.’ Additionally, the association of the term with Thanksgiving further emphasizes its cultural significance. Achieving three strikes in a row, or a ‘turkey,’ has become a celebrated feat in the bowling community, adding to the overall enjoyment and competitiveness of the game. This cultural impact has solidified the term ‘turkey’ as a symbol of skill and success in the world of bowling.

Three StrikesGameBowling Pins

Scoring and the ‘Turkey

Having explored the cultural impact of the term ‘turkey’ in bowling, the focus now shifts to an examination of scoring and the significance of achieving a ‘turkey’ in the game.

In bowling, scoring is crucial, and achieving a ‘turkey’ – three consecutive strikes – holds great importance. It denotes a bowler’s skill, consistency, and ability to perform under pressure. Bowling a ‘turkey’ can significantly impact a player’s score and change the momentum of a game, making it a pivotal achievement.

The term called a ‘turkey’ originated in the United States in the early 1900s and has since become a widely recognized symbol of success in the sport.

  • Achieving a ‘turkey’ requires precision and mental focus.
  • Bowling a ‘turkey’ can change the momentum of a game.
  • The term ‘Turkey’ originated in the early 1900s.

Achieving a ‘Turkey’: Technique and Strategy

mastering turkey hunting techniques

Achieving a ‘turkey’ in bowling demands a combination of precise technique and strategic focus to consistently deliver three consecutive strikes.

The technique involves a balanced and smooth approach, an accurate release, and a consistent arm swing. Bowlers need to carefully adjust their position, angle, and ball speed to hit the pocket consistently.

Strategic focus is crucial to maintain mental composure, concentration, and confidence throughout the three throws. Besides achieving a turkey, five consecutive strikes are also called a ‘turkey’, and the term reflects the significance of this accomplishment in the sport.

A successful turkey not only boosts a bowler’s score but also adds a psychological edge over opponents. It demonstrates skill, control, and the ability to perform under pressure, making it a coveted achievement in bowling.

Famous ‘Turkey’ Moments in Bowling

Famous instances of the ‘turkey’ in bowling have left a lasting mark on the sport’s history, showcasing remarkable skill and precision under pressure. These moments have captivated audiences and inspired awe with the display of consecutive strikes.

Some of the most memorable ‘turkey’ moments include:

  • Dick Weber’s dramatic ‘turkey’ in the final frames of the 1959 PBA National Championship, securing his victory with three consecutive strikes.
  • Lisa Wagner’s historic performance at the 1993 U.S. Women’s Open, where she delivered a crucial ‘turkey’ to clinch the championship title.
  • Earl Anthony’s legendary ‘turkey’ to win the 1978 Firestone Tournament of Champions, solidifying his status as one of the greatest bowlers of all time.

These iconic moments exemplify the exhilarating and intense nature of achieving ‘turkey’ in bowling, forever etching these athletes’ names in the annals of the sport’s history.

Modern Usage and Recognition of the ‘Turkey’ in Bowling

turkey in bowling recognition

The historical significance and impact of the ‘turkey’ in bowling have paved the way for its modern recognition and continued usage as a benchmark of skill and achievement in the sport.

In modern usage, achieving a turkey – three consecutive strikes in a game – is still revered as a remarkable feat, symbolizing a player’s exceptional performance.

The recognition of a turkey in bowling tournaments is a testament to a player’s proficiency and strategic prowess. It is often celebrated as a pivotal moment, showcasing a bowler’s ability to deliver precise and powerful shots consistently.

The turkey continues to be a celebrated term in the bowling community, signifying a player’s proficiency in handling the pressures of competitive play and delivering impressive performances.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is 5 Strikes in a Row Called?

Five strikes in a row in bowling is commonly referred to as a “five-bagger.” This achievement demonstrates exceptional skill and consistency in knocking down all ten pins for five consecutive frames, showcasing the bowler’s proficiency in the game.

What Are 4 Strikes in a Row Called?

Four strikes in a row in bowling are commonly referred to as a “hambone.” This term is used to describe the achievement of four consecutive strikes, showcasing a bowler’s skill and precision in the game.

What Is the Meaning of Turkey Bowl?

The term ‘turkey bowl’ refers to a distinct game of bowling played with a frozen turkey as a bowling ball, often around Thanksgiving. It is different from achieving a ‘turkey’ in regular bowling, which denotes three consecutive strikes rolled by a single bowler.

What Is It Called When You Get 7 Strikes in Bowling?

When a bowler achieves seven consecutive strikes in bowling, it is commonly referred to as a “seven-bagger.” This impressive accomplishment showcases remarkable skill and consistency, significantly impacting the bowler’s overall score and demonstrating exceptional performance.


In conclusion, the term ‘turkey’ in bowling has a rich historical significance and cultural impact within the bowling community. Achieving three consecutive strikes, or a ‘turkey,’ is a challenging feat that can significantly boost a bowler’s score and confidence.

The term has become ingrained in bowling terminology and continues to be recognized and celebrated in modern bowling.